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来源:网络整理 │  网站编辑:佚名 │  发表时间:2023-08-27 10:03:20





展会招商就是通过各种方式将那些对拟办展会展示的产品有需要和感兴趣的买家和其他观众介绍到展会上,并邀请观众参观展会。 观众是展览成功不可或缺的重要因素。 拥有一定数量和质量的观众是一个展览成功的重要标志之一。 一般来说,“招商比招展更重要”,一个展会成功的关键在于招商。




1.经济间接性。 展览公司每招募一个参展商,都会给他带来直接的经济利益,但招募观众并不能带来看得见的经济效益。

2.工作的隐形性。 招展投入的金额可以通过展位预订了解。 但参加展会的观众往往不会提前向展览公司预约,这使得招商工作有些隐形。

3、效果的滞后性。 招商的效果要等到展会期间,参展商的展位费等费用缴纳完毕后才能知道。 如果参展商发现招商效果不好,也无能为力。


1、经济的间接性使展览企业产生了“重展览、轻投资”的错误倾向,减少甚至不投资。 当展会由多个单位联合举办时,就会出现大家都在争相招展,却无人关注展会业务的情况。 导致展会开幕后观众不理想,展会质量不理想,影响展会发展。  。

2、隐形性会使会展企业的招商工作缺乏过程控制和快速反馈,无法根据招商工作的变化来调整招商工作的各种策略。 而这种隐形,会让各单位的招商工作显得不一致、混乱。




在招商活动之前,首先要对展会进行市场分析,确定是专业展会还是综合展会,展品属于哪个行业,题材是否是新开发的。 最重要的是明确展会的定位和办展的目的。 参展商的目的和需求。 然后在此基础上确定展会专业观众的目标定位和范围、信息收集、推广等。 一般来说,展会的专业观众范围主要集中在制造商、贸易商、上下游供应链、主要客户、科研机构、政府高管、行业组织、专业杂志等。





展会招商的好处是为整个展会服务。 展会主办方每招募一个参展商,都会为其带来直接的经济效益。 与招展不同,招展是一项看不到直接经济效益的工作。 展览机构招揽观众往往不能直接为其带来看得见的经济效益。 展览招商经济效益的隐形性和间接性,使得一些展览主办方在规划展览总体方案时,常常出现“重招商、轻招商”的错误倾向。

当展会由多个单位联合举办时,就会出现大家都在争相招展,却无人重视展会招商的情况。 导致展会开幕后观众不理想,服务质量不理想,展会发展受到影响。 影响。 当展会由多个单位联合举办时,必须明确谁负责展会的招商工作。 如果展会的招商工作由展会主办方共同承担,则需要明确展会主办方之间的分工。

各展览机构之间的分工包括明确各单位必须遵守的招商原则、各单位负责的招商领域(或行业)和重点目标观众的划分、招商费用的预算和支付方式、重点目标观众的邀请、接待安排等。分工做好各单位的招商工作,是保证展会观众数量和质量的重要手段之一。 各单位招商引资工作分工要合理、经常协调。 展会招商工作不能均摊,必须有一个主要责任单位。 总之,各单位招商引资分工必须结合各单位招商引资实力,充分发挥各单位优势,做到优势互补,共同做好招商引资工作。展览的工作。








展会招商工作给展会带来的效益是长期的、持续的。 如果展会的招商工作不到位,展会的长远发展肯定会受到很大的影响。 展会招商与展会邀请函一样,是展会成功不可或缺的重要因素。


招商工作的成效直接关系到展会的整体展览效果,也关系到参展商参加展会的实现价值。 招商的主要任务是吸引观众企业招商策划,并保证展会开幕后有足够数量的目标观众前来观展,使目标观众能够如期参观展会。

面对大量且具有很大不确定性的专业观众,展会招商很难像招展一样把控。 展会应根据实际情况选择合适的监测方式。 以国际展会为例,由于外国观众对参观国外展会并不熟悉,需要展会多方面的帮助,因此往往会提前申请参观登记,因此可以根据观众的登记情况对外资进行监控。 国内观众一般不习惯提前申请参观登记,因此展会应根据市场分析和目标观众数据信息提前制定的招商进度计划,对国内招商进行有效监控。 当然,这两种方法也可以结合使用。



招商预算是为顺利开展各项招商工作而制定的支出预算。 是在各项招商工作基本规划的基础上,对展会招商可能需要的费用进行的总体安排和具体支出计划。 招商预算的编制应当从招商引资工作的实际需要出发,本着统筹规划、合理利用的原则,切合实际。








招商预算的编制应本着节约的原则:只将真正需要支出的费用纳入预算,这样才能严格控制展会的招商费用,减少招商费用。可以防止失控; 能够满足招商引资工作顺利开展的需要。 在时间上注意支出安排与招商工作实际需要相匹配。 不应该出现开头花得够多、最后花得够少、开头舍不得花钱、最后拼命增加开支等不良现象。




·展前利用展会网站对观众进行预登记,并根据观众在线填写的信息发送观众胸牌,或邀请观众到现场登记。 目前,观众网上预登记已成为一种趋势。

·利用网络技术邀请潜在受众,前提是利用平时积累的受众数据库和受众电子邮件{地址。  ·支持单位或行业组织召集会员单位参加展会活动,行业组织专业展会; 面对面的组织邀请通常会收到较好的效果,有利于上下游企业的匹配和同行业之间的合作与交流。





针对展览招商的特点和问题,提出展览招商的对策。 这一策略主要体现在展会的招商计划上。 展览招商计划是为展览邀请观众而制定的具体实施方案。 它在充分了解展览品需求市场的基础上,合理安排招商人员,在适当的时间通过适当的渠道开展展览招商活动。 是对展会招商活动的统筹安排和把握,目的是保证展会开幕时有足够的观众参观。 一个常见的展览招商计划应包含七个部分,如表1所示:

表1 展会招商计划主要内容









1.制定招商引资计划的依据。 包括:展会展品主要消费市场的地域分布及需求情况、展会主题所属行业及相关产业的分布、各地区相关产业的发展状况、相关产业的企业结构及分布等这是制定展览招商计划的基础工作,必须符合各相关行业的实际情况,准确无误。 比如,如果对各行业消费市场的分析错误,招商重点区域的安排就会名不副实,招商重点区域就会出现偏差,而招商的实际效果也会大打折扣。工作将难以保证。

2、展览招商部。 根据展会的实际需要和展览公司的工作计划企业招商策划,对展会招商工作的分工安排进行安排,包括各展览单位之间的分工安排、单位内部招商人员及招商引资工作分工,各部门。 安排投资区域分工等。

为应对招商工作中“重展览、轻招商”的错误倾向,需要明确各展览机构的分工,明确各单位必须遵守的招商原则,各单位负责的招商引资领域(或行业)。  )以及重点对象的划分、招商费用的预算和支付方式、重点对象的邀请和接待安排、内部员工各自的职责等。

3. 展会简讯和观众邀请函的编写、印刷和发送。 包括观众邀请函的内容、编写和印刷的方式、发送的范围和方式等。在规划观众邀请函的编写、印刷和送达时,要考虑观众邀请函的印刷数量、发送数量等问题。还应考虑发送的范围以及如何发送。

四、投资渠道和措施。 提出展会招商计划所采用的各种渠道,以及每个招商渠道计划将采取哪些招商措施。 主要渠道如表2所示,可根据招商引资的实际需要进行选择。

表2 展会招商的主要渠道










5、招商引资战略。 招商宣传推介策略包括宣传推介的出发点、主题和亮点。 在策略上,要紧扣展会定位和主题,突出展会优势和个性特色,从客户角度出发,时刻考虑客户利益; 促销渠道与招商渠道一致; 在地域安排上,要紧密配合招商引资实际,走在招商引资实际工作前面,为招商引资工作造声势、造人气; 必须在时间上保持一致,要有统一的理念和策略作为指导; 在地理上,要因地制宜。 在重点招商时段和重点招商领域,要加大宣传推介力度,增强宣传推介的针对性。

6、投资预算。 展会直接招商费用主要包括:招商人员费、招商推广费、招商代理费、招商材料编写、印刷邮寄费、招商公关费及其他不可预见费用。 招商预算的编制应当从招商引资工作的实际需要出发,本着统筹规划、合理利用的原则,切合实际。 招商引资各项预算费用必须落实到位,不能偷工减料。

七、招商日程。 招商进度计划是在展会招商工作实施前对招商工作及要达到的效果进行统筹规划,提前安排好何时开展、开展何种招商活动、开展哪些活动等。采取什么样的招商措施,在什么阶段招商引资工作要达到什么样的效果,完成什么样的任务等。计划一旦制定,就必须按照计划实施。 如果具体情况发生较大变化,也可以进行局部调整,以适应新形势的需要。



招商是为了促进展会更好的招商而进行的一些有针对性的宣传推介活动。 协调,在展览招商推广计划中,我们要提出一个展览招商推广计划,包括推广策略、渠道、时间和地域安排、费用预算等。

招商推广策略:包括推广要点、主题、亮点等。策略上要注意紧扣展会定位和主题,突出展会优势和个性化特点,考虑参展商利益。从客户的角度来看客户。 招商渠道:包括召开新闻发布会、在专业大众报刊杂志上刊登广告、向相关人员直邮展会资料、在国内外同类展会上进行宣传推介、网上宣传推介、通过相关协会商会进行宣传等。商务可根据招商引资的实际需要,选择国外驻华机构、中国驻外机构等多种渠道进行推广和利用。

招商引资的时间安排和地域分布:招商引资的时间安排和地域分布要与招商引资实际工作紧密配合,要超前于招商引资实际工作,创造声势和影响力。招商引资人气。 宣传推广必须及时连贯,以统一的理念和策略为指导; 就地理而言,应因地制宜。 在重点招商时段和重点招商领域,要加大宣传推介力度,增强宣传推介的针对性。

展会招商是展会整体推广的重要组成部分。 这里仅简单介绍招商引资的基本原则。



招展和招商是展会筹备工作的两个翅膀。 与招展一样,展会招商工作也具有很强的时效性。 展会招商工作的时间安排是由展会筹备工作的及时性决定的。 展会招商工作必须保证展会开幕后有足够数量、一定质量的观众,并在展会开幕日前完成招商任务。

与招展工作相比,展会的招商工作可以稍晚一些开始,因为一方面,在展会筹备的前期,招展工作是展会筹备的主要任务,而展会的招商工作则可以稍晚一些。展会筹备的主要精力应集中在招展上; 一方面,在展会吸引展商之前,很难开展展会的招商工作,即使开展困难,效果也往往不理想。 因此,在展会筹备工作的初期,招商往往不是重中之重。

展会招展工作和招商进展相互影响、相互促进。 随着招展工作的进展,招展工作也变得越来越重要。 一些企业在决定参加某个展会之前,常常会向展会询问哪些人将参观该展会。 如果此时展会的招商效果显着,那么展会的招商效果将会极大地促进展会的招展工作。 因此,展会的招商工作虽然可以推迟一点,但推迟的时间不宜过多,否则不仅无法完成招商任务,还会对展会招展产生不利影响:时效性展会招商工作的开展使得展会招商工作必须具有较强的时效性。


因此,为了顺利完成展会招商任务,我们在安排展会招商工作、制定展会招商计划时,必须注重展会招商工作的时效性,使展会招商计划落到实处。工作安排符合投资时效性要求。  :

(一)展会招商计划和工作安排必须有统一的时间安排。 展览招商和展览招展有很大区别。 无论是新成立的展会还是现有的展会,招展工作一般都有比较具体的目标,招展工作都是围绕这些目标客户展开的。 展会的招商工作有所不同。 除一些已知的观众名单外,无论是新成立的展会还是已经举办过的展会,招商引资的具体目标观众在展会招展工作中并不清楚。 而且招商工作不能给展会带来直接的经济效益。 因此,一些展会对招商工作不太重视,对招商工作没有统一的规划。 当他们发现其他工作需要招商引资效应支持时,往往会采取临时措施。 结果,展会招商效果并不理想,参展商抱怨颇多。


(二)把握展会招商工作的启动时间。 虽然展会的招商工作可以晚于展会招商工作启动,但这并不意味着招商工作的启动时间可以一拖再拖? 对于那些距离较远的观众,比如外国观众,如果招商工作开始得太晚,他们要么没有时间制定参观这个展会的计划,要么已经决定参观其他展会; 如果招商工作启动得太早,一些目标观众会因为时间长而忘记了本次展会前期的招商活动——招商工作启动得太早或太晚,都不利于展会取得更好的招商效果。 展会要注意把握招商工作的启动时间。 一般来说,只有展会推介工作取得了一定成效,专项招商工作才能大规模开展。 这样做有以下优点:一是节省招商费用:如果招商活动开始得太早,早期的招商活动就不会产生效果。 虽然不大,但是成本很高。 展会可以收集这些费用并在合适的时候使用。 二是可以取得更好的投资效果。 参观者一般在了解有哪些企业参展后决定是否参观。 如果展会吸引了参展商并启动招商工作,那么展会将很难回答“哪些企业将参展”等问题。 如果你能准确回答此类问题,目标受众就会有更多的理由来参观。

(三)招商进度与招展进度相协调。 展会的招商与展览效果不仅相互影响,而且相互促进。 一方面,观众越多,展商就越愿意来展会,良好的招商效果可以促进招展更加顺利; 推动展会招商工作更加顺利。 相反,如果招商效果不好,展会就很难招商,如果招展效果不好,展会的招商也不会很顺利。

因此,在制定展会招商计划时,不仅要考虑其本身的时效性,还要充分考虑其与招展计划的时间协调。 两者相辅相成,不能互相制约。

(四)善于把握会展招商“黄金期”。 与展会招商工作一样,展会招商工作也有“黄金期”。 在这个“黄金时期”,展会的招商活动能够对目标观众的参观决策产生最大的影响,展会的招商活动对观众的影响最大,招商效果也最大。最好的。

展览招商的“黄金期”一般是在展览筹备的中后期。 展会要努力抓住这个时期,最大限度地发挥招商效果。 由于这一时期接近展会开幕时间,如果展会招商工作不抓住这个招商关键期,就没有时间弥补展会的招商效果。

(五)密切关注展会招商进展。 展会招商工作一旦启动,就无法停止。 各项招商工作要按计划、稳步推进。 In order to ensure that the investment promotion work is carried out according to the plan and achieve good results, the personnel responsible for the investment promotion work of the exhibition must closely monitor the investment promotion progress, track the investment promotion progress at any time, analyze new situations, find new problems, and adjust investment promotion strategies in time to achieve the best investment effect. Well, since it is important and complicated to monitor the investment promotion progress of the exhibition, we will discuss this issue in detail in the next section.

In short, the investment promotion work of the exhibition also has a strong timeliness. This feature of the exhibition investment promotion work requires the exhibition organization to have a unified plan for the exhibition investment promotion work, reasonably arrange the investment promotion work progress, and closely monitor the work progress.


Progress management of exhibition investment invitation

In the practice of exhibition planning and marketing, if you don't respond to whether you decide to visit, the target audience is often interested in the investment promotion activities of the exhibition, which makes it difficult for the exhibition to grasp the effect of investment promotion activities. In order to ensure that there will be a sufficient number of visitors after the opening of the exhibition , The exhibition must grasp the progress of the exhibition's investment promotion and understand the exhibition's investment promotion effect.

The number of professional visitors in general exhibitions ranges from thousands to tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands. Faced with such a huge customer base, it is difficult for the exhibition to know each audience as clearly as each exhibitor, and because the target audience often does not respond to the investment promotion activities of the exhibition whether they decide to visit, which makes the investment promotion of the exhibition difficult. The target audience is not only huge, but also has great uncertainty, which also makes it impossible to monitor the progress of the exhibition's investment promotion like the monitoring of the exhibition's recruitment progress.

There are generally three ways to monitor the investment promotion progress of the exhibition:

(1) Monitor according to the established investment promotion progress plan. It is to formulate a reasonable investment promotion schedule according to the market analysis situation and the target audience data information that has been mastered in advance, according to the needs of the exhibition recruitment process, and referring to the actual situation of the exhibition. After the investment promotion work of the exhibition is started, if there is no special situation, the investment promotion work of the exhibition will be implemented strictly according to the plan. The relevant personnel responsible for the investment promotion monitoring of the exhibition will use the plan as the main reference standard to monitor the investment promotion progress of the exhibition.

According to this method to monitor the investment promotion progress of the exhibition, it is required that the investment promotion progress plan of the exhibition must meet the needs of the exhibition, can produce good investment promotion effects, and is practical, otherwise, even if the investment promotion progress of the exhibition is monitored, the investment promotion work will be difficult. Good results. In addition, according to this method to monitor the investment promotion progress, the investment promotion progress plan of the exhibition must be formulated with a certain degree of flexibility, and the necessary adjustments can be made to the progress plan under certain conditions. Otherwise, once special circumstances arise, the investment promotion work may be difficult will stop.

(2) Monitor according to the application and registration status of visitors. Although there are few returnees, there will always be some target audience who will respond in advance whether they decide to visit the investment promotion activities of the exhibition: although these responses generally only account for a small proportion of the final number of visitors who actually attend the exhibition, the exhibition can still Based on my previous investment promotion experience, combined with my investment promotion goals this time, I will monitor the progress of the exhibition's investment promotion according to the application and registration status of the target audience.

This monitoring method is more effective for monitoring the progress of foreign investment. Since foreign visitors are not familiar with many aspects of visiting foreign exhibitions, they need assistance in many aspects of the exhibition, such as help with entry visas, help with transportation, board and lodging, etc. Therefore, they are often willing to apply for visit registration in advance. By monitoring the situation of visiting and applying for boarding, you can have a general understanding of the effect of investment promotion, where you need to increase investment promotion efforts, and know which investment promotion strategies need to be adjusted. In this way, you can effectively monitor the investment promotion progress.

Since domestic visitors are generally not used to pre-registration for visits, this method is not suitable for domestic investment monitoring:

(3) At the same time, monitor according to the established investment promotion progress plan and the application and registration status of audience visits. Of course, the exhibition can also use the above two methods in combination, mainly monitor the domestic investment promotion situation by "monitoring according to the established investment promotion progress plan", and monitor the international investment promotion situation by "monitoring according to the application and registration status of visitors" . There are also some exhibitions that combine these two methods and use them for investment promotion progress monitoring in all regions.

To sum up, the exhibition can choose the appropriate investment monitoring method according to its actual situation. For example, if the target audience of the exhibition is mainly domestic audiences, then you can choose the first monitoring method; if the main audience is international, you can use the second method; if you take both into account, you can use the third method . However, no matter which method is adopted, unless there is a major accident, the exhibition generally should not cut the investment promotion budget at will. Some exhibitions will greatly reduce the scheduled investment promotion budget due to unsatisfactory exhibition recruitment, resulting in unsatisfactory investment promotion, and unsatisfactory investment promotion. It is more difficult to recruit exhibitors, and it goes back and forth like this, forming a vicious circle, which is very unfavorable to the development of the exhibition.


Interrelationship between exhibition investment invitation and exhibition invitation

Exhibition investment and exhibition invitation are mutually influencing and interacting. On the one hand, if the exhibition is effective in attracting investment. If the result is good, there will be a large number of visitors and high quality, and the exhibitors' exhibition effect will be guaranteed, and enterprises will be more willing to participate in the exhibition. On the contrary, if the investment promotion of the exhibition is not ideal, the audience is less, or there are many invalid audiences, it is difficult to guarantee the exhibition effect of the exhibitors, and the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in the exhibition will be reduced. On the other hand, if the recruitment effect of the exhibition is good, there are more exhibitors, especially well-known enterprises in the industry, the exhibits are new, and the information is concentrated, the audience will be more enthusiastic. Investment promotion is the foundation of exhibitions. To be strong, exhibitions must "keep business". Experts believe that investment attraction, business, and business keeping are the only ways to brand exhibitions.


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↑Edited by Pang Hua. Exhibition Operations and Service Management. Nankai University Press, 2010.07. ↑ Interpretation of the National Standards of "Economic and Trade Exhibition Terminology", a Summary of Exhibition Industry Standardization. China Standard Press, 2011.03. ↑Hua Qiansheng. Exhibition Planning and Marketing. Guangdong Economic Publishing House, 1st Edition, July 2004.

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